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Population explosion in a sentence

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Sentence count:23+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: populationexplosiondepopulationpopulation boomoverpopulationpopulation growthpopulation controlpopularization
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1, The world is facing a problem of population explosion.
2, How can we account for the recent population explosion?
3, The cause for contracepting offspring is the "population explosion".
4, The spread of the suburbs has triggered a population explosion among America's deer.
5, Living with a partner, 6. Population explosion, 7.
6, He cites in support of this the population explosion.
7, Mention procreation, and they talk about the population explosion.
8, Rabbits and ducks have been contributing to a population explosion in the park.
9, When people began talking about the population explosion twenty-five years ago the world was growing by 50 million people every year.
10, But nomatterhow hard they are worked the population explosion continues.
11, We live in the century of population explosion, with the world's population doubling at least every 25 years.
12, The population explosion is accompanied by a population implosion.
13, When technocracy, the bomb, and the population explosion arrived(, man achieved a capacity to clash with the earth on a grand scale .
14, The potential population explosion would have tremendous repercussions on the region's physical resources such as land.
15, The government has had to take measures to halt the population explosion.
16, The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion.
17, They say a pest control campaign is needed to stop a squirrel population explosion.
18, As the summer reaches its peak,[ explosion.html] there will be a population explosion of butterflies.
19, Pressures on carers will increase as Britain faces a population explosion among the most vulnerable elderly people.
20, Pettitt sees urban services in particular offering vast scope for expansion as city fathers wake up to the dangers from the car population explosion.
21, It could be a major factor is reversing the deadly momentum of the population explosion.
22, If we don't carry out population control, there will be a population explosion some day.
23, The snails used to breed on small flood plain islands where annual flooding prevented a population explosion.
More similar words: populationexplosiondepopulationpopulation boomoverpopulationpopulation growthpopulation controlpopularizationcopulationexplorationexploitationoverexploitationexplosivestipulationimplosionpopular opinionmanipulationexplosivelypopulateexpostulationpopulateddepopulaterepopulateunpopulateddepopulatedexplosive devicepopulated areaplastic explosiveoverpopulatedunderpopulated
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